Under The Chrome Sea (MP3 Album)

Under The Chrome Sea Cover LArge.jpg
Under The Chrome Sea Cover LArge.jpg

Under The Chrome Sea (MP3 Album)


Debut solo release from Machine 475 co-founder Forrest James. 

I've always wanted to work on a concept album. As an art form I really admire them in a way that "single" culture can't ever touch for me. On top of that I planned from the beginning to release this album on vinyl, so whilst composing I was also considering timing, song placement, and how length affects sound quality. It has been an enjoyable voyage to new, welcome, terrain. Needless to say, I studied the 1970's and 80's and how the idea of the album was approached in that era. "Under The Chrome Sea" is the result of all these meanderings and more. 

Recorded at my home studio in Lynn, Massachusetts, in Salem, Massachusetts, London, U.K., and on the road. 

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